Award-Winning. Evidence-Based.

Backed by 10+ years of research by SYH founder and CEO Dr. Suzanne Mitchell and colleagues at Boston University, where data from 2 NIH-funded research studies (2009 to 2019) demonstrate the effectiveness of the virtual technology and immersive programming of SYH, including:

  • 20% reduction in the total cost of healthcare

  • 75% program retention rate

  • 40% increased exercise

  • 0.4% A1C reduction for diabetes patients in 8 weeks

Whether it’s living with chronic disease or facing rigorous professional conditions, we use immersive digital technology to harness both the power of peer mentorship and the scientifically-backed social phenomenon known as the Proteus Effect, where avatar-driven behavior primes real life change.

The Proteus Effect:

“Virtual environments allow individuals to dramatically alter their self-representation… people infer their expected behaviors and attitudes from observing their avatar’s appearance”

- American Psychological Association

As experts in engagement, we understand that tapping curiosity and the need for new and positive experiences, social connection, and social acceptance, is the setting for breaking barriers that result in heightened confidence and desire for change.

We utilize a 3-D, social gaming environment for facilitator-led, simulation-based learning where:

  • avatars promote idealism of self

  • live voice encourages authentic human connection

  • optional anonymity allows vulnerability and intimacy, important for both chronic disease patients and those in high intensity professions like physicians and police

  • an imaginative landscape & novel activities provide escapism and a reinvigorated sense of self and professional culture.

2022 Diabetes Education Accreditation Program (DEAP) Results

Lee AL, DeBest M, Koeniger-Donohue R, Strowman SR, Mitchell SE. The feasibility and acceptability of using virtual world technology for interprofessional education in palliative care: a mixed methods study. J Interprof Care. 2020 Jul-Aug; 34(4):461-471. PMID: 31431115

The Evidence

Shershneva M, Kim JH, Kear C, Heyden R, Heyden N, Lee J, Mitchell S. Motivational interviewing workshop in a virtual world: learning as avatars. Fam Med. 2014 Apr; 46(4):251-8. PMID: 24788420; PMCID: PMC4418797

For Dr. Mitchell’s full research bibliography, click here.

Mitchell S, Heyden R, Heyden N, Schroy P, Andrew S, Sadikova E, Wiecha J. A pilot study of motivational interviewing training in a virtual world. J Med Internet Res. 2011; 13(3):e77.View Related Profiles. PMID: 21946183; PMCID: PMC3222158; DOI: 10.2196/jmir.1825;

Rosal MC, Heyden R, Mejilla R, Rizzo Depaoli M, Veerappa C, Wiecha JM. Design and Methods for a Comparative Effectiveness Pilot Study: Virtual World vs. Face-to-Face Diabetes Self-Management. JMIR Res Protoc. 2012;1(2):e24. Published 2012 Dec 17. doi:10.2196/resprot.2415

Mitchell SE, Mako M, Sadikova E, et al. The comparative experiences of women in control: diabetes self-management education in a virtual world. J Diabetes Sci Technol. 2014;8(6):1185-1192. doi:10.1177/1932296814549829

Mitchell, S.E., Gardiner, P., Weigel, G., & Rosal, M.C. (2016). Women in Control: Pioneering Diabetes Self-Management Medical Group Visits in the Virtual World. Journal of clinical trials, 6, 1-6.